When it comes to collecting on a defaulted loan agreement or debt collection, navigating the legal system can be challenging. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to pursue a court judgment for a money lent or debt collection lawsuit, it’s crucial to understand the process and the steps involved. It cannot be understated the amount of time, energy, and additional expenses often exhausted when a person who loans out large sums of money attempts to be repaid or collect on the money that is owed. Defaulting on a loan was and continues to be among the most popular civil claims filed in Courts across America.  

The Thomas Legal Center respects your time and money, and to that end we offer streamlined solutions to help our clients retrieve any money loaned to borrowers that are both approaching or currently in default. Our firm offers pre-suit remedies designed to save our clients the time, money, and the headaches commonly associated with recovery monies they’ve lent out, including and not limited to:

  • Phone Inquiries
  • Demand Letters
  • Settlement Agreements
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Contract Modifications

However, where pre-suit remedies fall short of returning our client’s desired results, the Thomas Legal Center has extensive experience with the requisite Money Lent, Breach of Contract, and Debt Collection Legal Claims that need to be filed on your behalf. Do not obstruct your right to collect on any sum of money owed to you by waiting too long, call the Thomas Legal Center today and we will do our best to obtain a judgement in your favor!